Do you have a love-hate relationship with the beginning of the school year? Love the routine and schedule, but hate the early mornings, long days and not feeling like there is enough time to de-stress?
There are huge benefits to easing your stress levels, from lowering blood pressure to improving concentration to reducing anger and frustration and more. Below is our staff?s list of the top ten things we do when we feel stressed:
- Meditate and pray.
- Go for a walk.
- Mary Alice likes to Google restaurants to eat at and and places to visit!
- Lisa loves to put on her PJ?s, crawl in bed and watch TV or get on Twitter or Facebook to de-stress.
- Linda relaxes by knitting.
- Dylan reads to relax.
- Haley enjoys watching movies to get some restful, quiet time.
- Angela listens to gospel music.
- Laura decompresses by working in the garden.
Remember, it?s just the beginning of the year so keep your expectations realistic and be sure to make time for yourself.
Best wishes for a wonderful 2018-19 school year!