insurance advantage & lma financial services
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Check out the latest insurance happenings, information about our workshops and important news that might impact your health insurance, retirement or investments. And once in a while, we may throw in some Fun Facts from The Staff and office antics! So keep checking in. We’re glad to have you reading along.
Fast Facts with Kathryn
Kathryn Brooks, Team Assistant – Joined the IA & LMA Team in 2023 Favorite Vacation Spot: My favorite vacation spot is any beach. My favorite
Back to School Stress? 10 Tops to Calm the Chaos
Do you have a love-hate relationship with the beginning of the school year? Love the routine and schedule, but hate the early mornings, long days
Fast Facts with Lisa
Lisa Bamburg is a founder and co-owner of Insurance Advantage and LMA Financial Services. She has a degree in finance from the University of Arkansas
Fast Facts with Mary Alice
Mary Alice Hughes is a founder and co-owner of Insurance Advantage and LMA Financial Services. A 1991 graduate of Arkansas Tech University, Mary Alice has
Empty Nest – Full Heart
Our Fall 2018 Newsletter featured an article written by Lisa Bamburg, co-owner of Insurance Advantage & LMA Financial Services.We are sharing it here: In March
George Hopkins Retirement Message
We were sorry to read this week that Mr. George Hopkins will resign as ATRS Executive Director at the end of this year. One of
The Power of the Teacher
We recently attended a college graduation at The University of West Florida. You know how it is?you?re excited to see your family member or friend
Monitor & Adjust
When Mary Alice was in college and pursuing her degree in education, PET was the big thing. Fast forward 30 years and she can?t for the
COVID-19 and Summer 2020
Dear Clients and Friends: What a difference a virus makes, right?!!! It seems like everything is different. For example, we submitted our spring newsletter to the printer