When Mary Alice was in college and pursuing her degree in education, PET was the big thing. Fast forward 30 years and she can?t for the life of her tell you anything about PET except ?Monitor & Adjust?! And although PET was meant for the educational field, we have used ?Monitor and Adjust? almost daily both professionally and personally.
Today, we find ourselves in a situation unlike anything we?ve experienced in most of our lives. The COVID-19 crisis has literally changed our world. Our national, state and local governments have had to monitor and adjust. Our health care, police, fire and emergency personnel have had to monitor, adjust and put their lives on the line daily. Families have had to adjust to having school children at home. They have also had to adjust to not seeing each other in many situations.
The list goes on and on.
As owners, we have had to monitor and adjust, too. In an effort to make sure our staff and clients are protected, we shut our doors to foot traffic over two weeks ago. We also gave our staff members the opportunity to work at home. The majority of our staff are doing just that. And we have continued meeting with clients via ZOOM and phone conferences. These ?old dogs? are thankful for our young employees and their knowledge of technology!
Nobody knows how long this crisis will extend. Please know that we will continue to monitor and adjust. We will do everything we can to assist, through Zoom, all of you who need our help. We will be here to answer calls, reply to e-mails and guide people as they prepare for, and enjoy, retirement.
Most importantly, we will continue to humble ourselves and seek our Heavenly Father?s healing and protection for our nation and world.